7 Leadership Skills | | - | Footstep Training

7 leadership skills


In our current times of huge change, businesses are rethinking expectations of leaders and their roles within our businesses. These seven leadership traits are critical for leading through disrupted and changing times.


  • Communication – The most critical attribute of them all. A leader must think of themselves of Chief Communications Officer. As well as setting the strategic vision, they must communicate clearly about how the team is expected to achieve it.
  • Urgency – not making decisions quickly can be just as destructive as making the wrong decisions. This inevitably means some decisions will be made without an optimal level of input but the key is to make decisions are ‘nearly right, but now’ then adjust if needed.
  • Collaboration – the entire leadership team must be engaged around shared goals and visions. Focus on the team is imperative, motivating and leading by example.
  • Credibility and Authenticity – obviously these are important in any situation but when leading through change it is critical. Remaining calm and having integrity are attributes that your team will value in times of change.
  • Fearlessness – You must be brave enough to make difficult decisions, including having the energy to counter pessimism.
  • Strategic Mind set – This is about seeing the big picture and understanding the next steps needed to achieve the desired outcomes.
  • Empathy – change is difficult for everyone. Leaders must never lose sight of this fact by thinking about how team members are feeling at all times.

You can learn more about leading through change by taking one of our courses in leadership and management. www.footsteptraining.com

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