Throughout school and university, females outperform males in almost every area of academia. When they start their careers they earn the same salaries as male counterparts, yet few women make it past middle management to the most senior roles within businesses. In order to redress this balance, we must start asking tough questions about our leadership teams and how they function. This year it was revealed that 78% of companies with more than 250 employees pay their male employees more than women.
Undoubtedly, at least some of this imbalance is due to the struggle lots of women face to balance demanding working roles and family, not least returning to work after having a baby and all the barriers that this presents. It is clear that all businesses should look to promote family-friendly practices as a matter of priority, this could, of course, include flexible working practices and job shares.
But how can you personally enhance your job prospects as a woman with a family she prioritises?
Think about completing a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis to determine how you can rebuild your career path. Undertake work experience with organisations that interest you and use family-friendly practices.
Bear in mind one of the main things you can do to make yourself more attractive to employers is upskill and retrain. You can find out more about the flexible training opportunities we offer in the areas of education and training and leadership and management, by emailing