Women at work | | - | Footstep Training

Women at work


Last week we started to look at the roles and pressures of being a woman in the workplace. Over the coming weeks we are going to be supporting women at work by giving links, tips and support for women who are working. This week we are sharing sites and networks you can access.


https://womenatwork.org.uk This is an online network of women in work who can offer support and training. A community supporting women with workplace advice and career development. For inspiration, support or both, come and join us”


An online podcast from one of the most renowned business schools in the world:



https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/diversity-and-inclusion/women-in-the-workplace# A really interesting article about how COVID19 has adversely and disproportionately affected women, particularly those who work.


https://www.womentowork.co.uk  is a business with social aims that works with both organisations and individuals with a special interest in coaching for women’s personal and professional development, resilience and coaching and mentoring for all.”

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