The return to the office | | - | Footstep Training

The return to the office


Whilst some people may be itching to return to the office, other colleagues may be feeling really anxious about this huge change, particularly in the light of rising case numbers. The pandemic clearly is not going anywhere but we must return to our lives and live with the virus according to the government.


For lots of people this may mean a return to the office after months working from home. This transition may even be harder than the original change from office to home working. When we switched to home working many months ago, we had to get creative, making home working spaces out of familiar rooms. This creativity was possibly rewarding and quite exciting for some. The change back to the office will have us expecting familiarity, but the environment is likely to have changed and this may feel uncomfortable. Although lots of COVID measures may have been lifted lots of employers will probably retain some social distancing and extra hygiene practices to ensure employee safety.


During this time of change you should:

Monitor your anxiety

Take it slow

Talk to people

Manage expectations

Be flexible and patient

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