Sharing expertise
There is no better way to prove your expertise and share it with others than to write a book. It is said everyone has a novel in them, but most leaders have more than enough knowledge to share with others in the form of a non-fiction business book. Below are some great tips if you think you could write a book.
- Start with the end result – ask yourself what you want the book to do for you.
- Do you want to raise your authority, profile and influence in your industry?
- Do you want your book to act as an enhanced business card and lead generator?
- Do you want to demonstrate your expertise and attract speaking gigs or media interest?
- Do you want your book to be a bestseller and turn you into a wealthy guru?
The first three points are all realistic, the but last one, less so and you should be prepared for this.
- Decide on a clear format. Will your book be a how-to guide, an overview of an industry or area, or a detailed manual?
- If you want to write a whole book you will need a plan to guide you through what can be a really lengthy process. This will also support you when you feel like giving up.
- The most popular length for business books is 30,000 to 40,000 words. You will need to get into a clear routine if you wish to write a book of this length to a deadline.
- You have three routes to publishing: traditional publishing – a publisher may be interested if you have a big personal following and an original concept. Self-publishing – this will involve sourcing professionals such as editors, cover and interior designers, printers and so on. Hybrid publishing is your third option and may be the best way of achieving your goals.
- Promote – a great way to do this can be to make your book an amazon bestseller by reducing the cost to 99p and aim to get as many people as possible to download it in one day.
Whatever your choices, publishing your own book is a great way of becoming known in your field and may help you to further your career.
See www.businessbookawards.co.uk for more information.