Reward ideas for classroom management from @teachingideas @footsteptrainin | | - | Footstep Training

Rewarding learners in your lessons is a great way to keep everyone engaged and motivated, but it is hard to think of innovative ideas when we have so much to plan and prepare for each lesson.

Reward schemes should be planned into your lessons as they can have a fantastic influence on each learner. You can introduce short-term reward schemes that last for the duration of a single lesson, or introduce long-term reward schemes that last for a term time, or even the duration of the whole course/curriculum.

You need to ensure they are achievable and challenging so all learners, regardless of ability and level, can gain a reward. You need to avoid singling out learners, as this will have a negative effect and may de-motivate certain learners.

We have found a great resource about Reward Ideas which can be found here and from


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