Level 4 Internal Quality Assurance - Footstep Training



Level 4 Internal Quality Assurance online course


This is an online distance learning course for those who wish to check the quality standards of assessors. The full certificate is aimed at those who are responsible for other IQA’s and those who manage the Internal Quality Assurance Strategy.



If you want to become an IQA or IV (Internal Verifier), then you will need to gain this Internal Quality Assurance Qualification: Level 4 IQA course online.

This is an online distance learning course for those who wish to check the quality standards of assessors. The full certificate is aimed at those who are responsible for other IQA’s and those who manage the Internal Quality Assurance Strategy.

On successful completion you will achieve the FutureQuals Level 4 Certificate in Leading the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice which will qualify you to be a lead IQA.


Alternative Payment Options: If you wish to pay via Direct Debit, BACS, or Internet banking, please contact us using the Contact Form and we will send you an invoice with payment details.

PLEASE NOTE: Once you make payment we will email you your registration form and documents. These must be completed so we can officially register you and set you up to our online learning site. Please ensure the email address you give when paying is accurate, or contact us using the contact form on the website to confirm the correct email address.

Additional information

Number of Units

1 Unit, 2 Units, 3 Units Full IQA Cert

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