Part-time leaders | | - | Footstep Training

Part-time leaders

Shared and collaborative leadership has become more popular in the last decade, reflecting the rise of part-time employment and our quest for that ever elusive work-life balance. Timewise, an organisation that places senior-level employees in part-time roles estimates that 849,000 UK employees are not working part-time on a salary of £40,000 plus.  Many large and successful companies have part-time leaders and job share roles.
Of course, this is not without its issues and compromises.  Often, the issues are for the employees themselves, being paid for 3 days for example but in reality working more like 4.  Continuity for the business is another obstacle and the obvious solution to this is having a great team around the part-time leader to support when they are not there. This type of leadership is perhaps particularly attractive to parents who are trying to juggle the complexities of childcare whilst working.

Working in leadership positions on a part-time basis offers your people flexibility which may be crucial to their continued loyalty and as such is definitely a model that should be considered by employers.

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