From Specialist to Leader | | - | Footstep Training

From Specialist to Leader

Have you dedicated your career to honing your skills in your chosen career to be rewarded with a leadership position you are not prepared for? You would not be alone in this as many others have found themselves in exactly the same position. You may be feeling anxious about this, but the following tips may help:

  • Find someone you trust who can help you work through your fears and take a step back. Talking about how you feel can help you think things through more clearly.
  • Face things you find difficult, don’t ignore them, they will only build up into larger problems.
  • Delegate and let go. If you empower others by being explicit about what you want, you will free up your own time.
  • Put time into building up relationships with colleagues. This will help you keep abreast of what is happening around you and give you a sense of the bigger picture.
  • Ask people what they want from you as a leader. This will give a sense of clarity for you and your managers.

Find out more about this type of executive coaching at

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