Back to School - what can you do? | | - | Footstep Training

Back to school


As leaders and managers, we often lead in known, familiar, and comfortable environments. We know the people we work with, the culture of our organisation, the systems and processes. We generally make good decisions because we lead and manage in context. It is often a good idea to put ourselves out of our comfort zones at times, however. Take a challenge, move to unfamiliar and different contexts. Whilst we may have spent a lot of time in schools when we were younger, most of us have long been out of a school environment and much has changed, particularly in the midst of the COVID pandemic. School governing bodies oversee the performance and probity of a school, they have legal responsibilities and roles within the school. The role of a school governor should be approached as ‘eyes on and hands-off’. For aspiring leaders and managers school, governance is a great experience of operating at board level. It will test all your skills of judgement in order to make the right decisions for the children. Why not approach your local school to see if they are currently recruiting?

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